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Alova is a workflow-streamlined next-generation request tool. It can extremely streamline your API integration workflow from 7 steps to 1 step, and you just select the API what you need.

Different from @tanstack/react-request, swrjs, ahooks's useRequest, etc. library, alova is a comprehensive request tool, alova makes your request integration very simple and maintains more efficient Client-Server data interaction. In addition, you can use it in client and server environments (including SSR).

In addition, alova also has the following features:

  • API design similar to axios, with lower learning cost;
  • High-performance client and server request strategies, making the application smoother;
  • High flexibility, alova can be used in any js environment with any UI framework, and provides a unified user experience and perfect code migration;
  • Multi-level cache mode and request sharing mechanism to improve request performance and reduce server-side pressure;
  • High aggregation of api code organization, the request parameters, cache behavior, response data conversion, etc. of each API will be gathered in the same code block, which is a great advantage for managing a large number of APIs;

Publish under the MIT license